1.Orders will be shipped out within 10 working days once payment received. Please make sure the phone number is valid.
2.We Will ship by DHL, FedEx, UPS, EMS( we will choose the best way to ship the items ASAP).
3.Kindly please note the tax fee and clearance fee are not included in the item price.
Normally we provide 12 months warranty, some regular items even up to 24 months.Please see the details above.
Products are tested before shipping ,and we guarantee our products are in good working condition.
If the product you received is defective caused by shipping, please contact us before you return to us. We will RESEND the good product to you ASAP or will full refund you the payment.
Fast To Buy is a worldwide industrial products online store of over million configurable and standard components. We are a leading provider for industrial automation control, CNC machine and electrical equipment. Each product, in which FastToBuy sales online, is subject to a 100% quality control.
we have enough stock, if you want to buy more, please feel free to contact us,we will add the quantity.
We strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence for shopping experience and 100% customer satisfaction!

For anything questions about product, price, shipping or order status, please send ebay message to us.